3 "Fall" Safe Ways to Start Your Youth Ministry Year

 3 "Fall" Safe Ways to Start Your Youth Ministry Year

I am new to a community again this year as we recently moved for our 13th or 14th PCS (Permanent Change of Station) or military move. I say 13 or 14 because I haven't yet had my second cup of coffee and therefore the brain cells responsible for maths are still tucked sweetly in their little... wherever they hibernate....

Catechetical Sunday is in September.  WOOT!

Have you noticed the announcements to sign up for religious education, and that the search for Catechists is on? Classes begin soon if they haven't already in communities everywhere. 

The fall is my favorite time of year for so many reasons. (YES, Pumpkin Spice is top on that list)

The change of the season, the fresh cooler air (or at least the promise of cooler air here in Virginia), the colors, and my favorite thing...the buzz of excitement and opportunity when a new academic and ministry year begins! It's all so refreshing!

Friends, all the events matter, but this one....this one REALLY matters. If you are in a Military Community or if your parish is within driving distance of a military base, it's wise to anticipate new faces...(Let's be real... new families join us throughout the year not just in the summer months, I see you random and sudden surprise PCS orders receivers!).

This is your chance to make a first impression that is a lasting impression! Of course, we want that to be so good, so fulfilling that those teens get to thinking, "I can't wait to go back and I am bringing these friends with me!" 

Here are 3 "Fall" safe ways to start this year off: (3 is a number that less than two cups of coffee lets me get to)

1. Plan

2. Advertise



Eisenhower said, "Plans are useless, planning is essential." A favorite quote in our house with my hubby being a Logistician. 

The events are not going to go as you think they will because that's life ammiright? Circumstances, free will, obstacles, things we couldn't have foreseen because Elijah was busy doing other heavenly stuff to prophesy our youth launch.... that stuff happens. 

By doing our best to anticipate and plan for the key elements we can get closer to the goal than if we just threw something together. Planning tells the community, the team, the TEENS, that they matter. In planning it's important to keep in mind the three imperatives of a launch event. I ask myself and our team; 

1) How much FUN is this going to be? How can we make it more fun? 
2) How are we driving, inspiring, and making connections? (Youth ministry is relational) 3) How are we going to inspire these teens to come back? If possible, conduct a rehearsal or run-through especially if you are planning a relay, or gameplay. P.S. Fun generally equals not a class structure where teens are talked at. (Just in case you were wondering)

My favorite launch night ever was Life Teen's Color Run... Highly recommend!! 

Plan well, consider what the goal is for the night (increased number of teens in attendance from last year's launch for example), and know how you are going to gage that success... if this is your first event and don't have the previous year's to compare to maybe you have an informal survey of the teens and what they thought on the way out... perhaps a google form registration with the last question being "on a scale of 1-5 1 being a meh emoji and 5 being awesome stars eyes emoji how much did you enjoy the launch tonight?"


The best influencers for a youth group? The Youth! That said, if you are going to have teens come to the pulpit to invite the teens in the community to the launch... make sure they can be dynamic and persuasive...being willing to do it is different from being persuasive and engaging. Leverage the teen's strengths! Either way... use the energy that will match the event when advertising!! We are competing for the most precious resource people have.. their time. 

We need to appeal to the question, why should I be here instead of anywhere else? Advertise early, often, and on as many platforms as is permitted by your community. Then finally, I will always stand by this: The best and most effective advertisement is the personal invitation. 


I can not emphasize this more. Have you ever walked into a room filled with a bunch of strangers? How much courage does it take to show up someplace where you don't know anyone? As a new member to this community and so often the new girl, it remains top of mind for me to observe how we are welcomed. 

I wrote extensively on this in the Continuity of Spiritual Care for Military Communities series because my friends, over and over, we Catholics are missing the mark on this! Jesus' faith tradition as a Jewish man held strong values on hospitality.

We have a tendency to lean into what is familiar and to go to the people we recognize. This is natural! We have a tribe and survive heart (after all our primordial brain is wired for connection to thrive)... but when you are new and you are the one walking into a group of people who enjoy each other and do business as usual and group up together it can feel like there is no room for you.... 

Let me ask you, should ANY believer, EVER walk into God's house, and feel like there is no room for them??? 

One of the most powerful things we can do is create a space where people experience being seen, being loved, and being known because that is what we seek in Jesus in the Eucharist... He sees me, He loves me, He is so intimately connected to me through that Sacrament, that we are one... The Eucharist is the CENTER of all of our ministries and so, welcoming done well, draws teens to the altar and into a brother and sisterhood of believers where they BELONG. 

That altar is where so many vocations to religious life are called and answered....So be sure to train teens to seek out new faces, make it a game... at the end of the night ask; who is here for the first time?... keep your hand raised if 2 people welcomed you, 3? 4? Who was first? Let them share what that was like for them.... I can't tell you the number of times I have thought to myself, if it weren't for the Eucharist I would be out. And I can't tell you the number of times a smile and wave and a short welcome led me to God's most abundant blessings. 

It was a welcome that led me to Life Teen (shout out to you Jess!) and to you now. If you are asking yourself, where are the teens?? Why aren't people coming.... Look here first. Chances are they don't feel welcome.

Get welcoming right, and you will be blessed with exponentially more welcoming to do... 

I am praying in thanksgiving for all of you who say yes to ministry and to the Lord through his amazing young people. May this year be filled with joy, abundance, and the Holy Spirit!

I am curious, what welcome experiences have you had that made all the difference? 

* My thoughts and recommendations are my own, not those of the Catholic Church or Life Teen. I am most experienced with Life Teen resources and will often recommend them. Just because I am biased does not mean I am wrong :). Please note these are the musings of one Youth Minister, not the mouthpiece of the Church or any other organization. 


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