
3 "Fall" Safe Ways to Start Your Youth Ministry Year

 3 "Fall" Safe Ways to Start Your Youth Ministry Year I am new to a community again this year as we recently moved for our 13th or 14th PCS (Permanent Change of Station) or military move. I say 13 or 14 because I haven't yet had my second cup of coffee and therefore the brain cells responsible for maths are still tucked sweetly in their little... wherever they hibernate.... Catechetical Sunday is in September.  WOOT! Have you noticed the announcements to sign up for religious education, and that the search for Catechists is on? Classes begin soon if they haven't already in communities everywhere.  The fall is my favorite time of year for so many reasons. (YES, Pumpkin Spice is top on that list) The change of the season, the fresh cooler air (or at least the promise of cooler air here in Virginia), the colors, and my favorite thing...the buzz of excitement and opportunity when a new academic and ministry year begins! It's all so refreshing! Friends, all the events

The Mountain with NET Ireland

Well, friends, it is Monday! It has been a long while since you have seen a Monday Musing from me but... Fear not I have certainly not run out of things to say. Currently, I am slowly coming out of a retreat brain haze. If you have ever been on a Spiritual Retreat you will know what I mean... Retreat is chalked full of delicious and abundant food, sugar, praise and worship, Mass, talks, small groups, big groups, giggles, belly laughs, and tears. LOTS of tears. All while having completely ignored the "Lights Out" call from the Chaperones because there is so much to talk about with your roommates. Hence the haze...sooooo sleepy. This weekend I was privileged to take a group of kids with two awesome adults as a Chaperone to Schonstatt Marienland in Germany for Confirmation Retreat. Other communities joined us with their chaperones too. In my experience, there are three main phases of retreat (this is assuming of course that you have participated fully). The first is the

Continuity of Spiritual Care: Military Chapels "Don't Let the Sun Set"

CONTINUITY OF SPIRITUAL CARE: MILITARY CHAPELS The Six Part Series  INTRO: What the What? Part 1: PCS Permanent Change of Station Part 2: Arrival Part 3: What’s Life Teen got to do with it? Part 4: Mission and Miracles Part 5: Many Parts, Many Hats Part 6: Bid Farewell, Not Goodbye CONCLUSION: Don’t Let the Sun Set  A message for widespread awareness of service member and military family needs from Military Chapels called: “Continuity of Spiritual Care”  Welcome back, or welcome if this is your first visit. I would love for you to journey with me in creating conitunity in our Universal Faith. Our diocese is the only one in the world in which the sun never sets. It also serves the smallest percentage of American citizens, our military service members. Let us leverage the amazing faith experiences, Human resource, and the best practices from all over the world in our Military Chapels to create:  “Continuity of Spiritual Care”  Co

Continuity of Spiritual Care: Military Chapels "Bid Farewell Not Goodbye"

CONTINUITY OF SPIRITUAL CARE: MILITARY CHAPELS The Six Part Series INTRO: What the What? Part 1: PCS Permanent Change of Station Part 2: Arrival Part 3: What’s Life Teen got to do with it? Part 4: Mission and Miracles Part 5: Many Parts, Many Hats Part 6: Bid Farewell, Not Goodbye CONCLUSION: Don’t Let the Sun Set A message for widespread awareness of service member and military family needs from Military Chapels called: “Continuity of Spiritual Care” Hello! Welcome and thank you for finding yourself here. :) For your viewing pleasure but mostly for a response to join me in this awesome ministry or consideration in lending a hand to those around you...please click on any of the above links to take you to the various sections in the series, otherwise...grab your latte or a tasty beverage and walk with me... Bid Farewell Not Goodbye             It is that time of year again. PCS season and graduations. I tend to ugly

Continuity of Spiritual Care: Military Chapels "Many Parts, Many Hats"

CONTINUITY OF SPIRITUAL CARE: MILITARY CHAPELS The Six Part Series INTRO: What the What? Part 1: PCS Permanent Change of Station Part 2: Arrival Part 3: What’s Life Teen got to do with it? Part 4: Mission and Miracles Part 5: Many Parts, Many Hats Part 6: Bid Farewell, Not Goodbye CONCLUSION: Don’t Let the Sun Set A message for widespread awareness of service member and military family needs from Military Chapels called: “Continuity of Spiritual Care” Welcome back my friends! If you missed any part of this series so far or want to re-read for fun click on the titles above and check em on out :) Peace be with you! Many Parts, Many Hats If you are reading this, chances are your Chapel environment has its fair share of messiness.  I believe the answer to this is to organize our mess J Scripture says that we are “One body with many parts”.  When I was a newbie MilSPO (military spouse) I had one of the BEST mentors EVER. She ex