Core Recruitment- A Fairy Tale?
Core Recruitment -A Fairy Tale? Volunteers needed Here a volunteer needed, there a volunteer needed, everywhere a volunteer needed. We all know the challenges of keeping volunteer numbers steady in the transitional life of a military community. In most churches, the many are supported by the few and it isn’t a rare experience to browse the bulletin and find the same names under various ministries. We all know that more hands would be ideal but this is often a difficult goal to fulfill. Even the Cool Kids Even Life Teen ministry, in all its vibrancy, finds itself announcing, “volunteers needed!” What is the reason we sometimes struggle to fill specific CORE positions? There are many answers for this. I found one while looking in the mirror. Mirror, Mirror, I Am Too Old Peering at myself, I examined my wrinkles and that new little age spot on my left cheek and thought, that’s funny…I don’t remember getting older. I looked into my own eyes and felt fear bubble up in my ...